Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Melinda's Naga Jolokia Pepper Sauce Review

I'm a big fan of the ghost pepper. In fact, this afternoon I made myself a burrito with my favorite ingredients: large flour tortilla, Meijer fat free refried bean, cheddar cheese, egg beaters whites and about a half ounce of  Dave's Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.  Needless to say this burrito caused mile hallucinations - the proverbial "red ghost". Ok, now I'm getting off track. Time for the hot sauce review!

Given my intense love for peppers that also substitute as elephant deterrent and military grade weapons naturally I was quite enthusiastic when I came across a bottle of Melinda's Naga Jolokia Hot Sauce, which claims to be the "World's Hottest" on the side of the bottle (it's not). 

The bottom line is that while Melinda's is certainly hot, my review would rate it only about 3 out of 5 stars for the following reasons:
  • Naga Jolokia peppers are the #1 ingredient. This is a must. The sauce is certainly hot. I dare you to take a 1/2 ounce shooter and not feel the pain. 
  • It goes down hill from there; the next ingredients (in order) are: carrots, papayas, lime juice and vinegar (and also passion fruit and citric acid). What?! While a splash of those elements in my Bloody Mary might suffice to make the drink unique, it ends of giving the sauce a citrusy taste that I personally do not find desirable. 
  • It's a product of Costa Rica! Perhaps this explains the fruit cocktail blend? I want my ghost peppers from Bangladesh and India!
  • Overall  Melinda's Naga Jolokia Hot Sauce is interesting and worth a try. It is not as spicy as Dave's Ghost Pepper Sauce. 
  • One thing that really baffles me is that on their website they refer to it as "Melinda's Naga Jolokia Habanero Pepper Sauce". There are NO HABANEROS in it!
Try Melinda's Naga Jolokia Hot Sauce if you dare!

Scoville Units: 577,000

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